Recommended Reading

The following books are intended to continue the work of therapy outside and in between sessions.  They are in no way comprehensive, one size fits all, or a replacement for actual therapy. In “normal” circumstances of seeing a client weekly, I have they approximately 1/165th of their waking hours for therapy work and impact.  For that reason, these materials are invaluable in helping you to get the most from your time.

This list has been compiled by myself, my colleagues, and recommendations from clients. I have not read all of these books in their entirety. Feel free to contribute if you find something particularly helpful!



Laugh your way through it- Mark Gungor (Christian references)

Reptiles in love- Rapson and English

How to Improve your marriage without Talking about it-(good for men)- Love & Stosney

Seven principles of a successful marriage- Gottman

The ADD effect on Marriage- Melissa Orlov

Keeping the Love you Find- Harvel Hendrix

Mars and Venus in the Bedroom- John Gray

The Love Dare (Christian perspective) – Kendrick & Kendrick



Divorce Poison New Updated Edition: How to Protect Your Family- Richard Warshak

The New Creative Divorce: How to Create a Happier, More Rewarding Life, During and After…Krantzler, Mel & Krantzler



Life is for the Living: Recovering and Rebuilding After Spousal Loss-  Kay Sleisinger

Finding Your Way Through Grief: A Guide for the First Year- Tousley

The Grief Recovery Handbook: The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce…- James& Friedman



You Don’t Have to Take it Anymore… – Steven Stosny

Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling…for Yourself- Melody Beattie

Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy…Life- Susan & Buck


Individual Growth

Radical Forgiveness (includes buddhist teachings- Tara Brach

What you can feel you can heal (good for men)- John Gray

Born to Win – Muriel James

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People- Stephen Covey

The Self Esteem Handbook- David Burns

Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart- Mark Epstein


Mood Issues

The Feeling Good Handbook- David Burns

Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel… think-  Greenberger & Padesky

Anger Busting 101- Newton Hightower



Parenting with love and limits- Bruce Narramore

Parenting with love and logic- Cline and Fay

Parenting from the Inside Out, How a Deeper Self-Understanding …-  Siegel & Hartzell



Get a Life: You Don’t Need a Million to Retire Well-  Ralph E. Warner

Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom – John O’Donohue

Dark Night of the Soul- Gerald May